Tribal wars mtg
Tribal wars mtg

tribal wars mtg

Army Profile: Anthony Wang's Nurgle Chaos Space M.Tactics: Protecting Your Independent Characters in.Sprue Posse RTT - 2010 Player of the Year Standings.Playing: Sprue Posse Open #4 - Saturday, July 24th.Draft: M10 Draft at the Daily MTG Draft Viewer.Batrep: Sprue Posse RTT 6/5 Featured Match - Tyran.PC: Magic the Gathering Duels of the Planeswalkers.Batrep: Space Marines vs Space Marines (1500).Warhammer Fantasy Battles 8th Edition Rule Book.Rules: GW Nerfs the Daemon Hunters and Witch Hunt.Rules: GW on the 'Ard Boyz finals, "you will be a.Army: What I would have taken to the ConQuest GT.Rules: GW on Allies rules change? We were just ki.Like its fantastic namesake, this is a quality deck that can swarm the opposition handily if not treated with respect. The sword offers both and is another removal or reach option to boot.Ī kobold deck can be a challenge. This deck can really capitalize quickly with card draw effects. Finally I included Sword of Fire and Ice. They will indeed get larger if your opponent doesn't use his removal options wisely. This deck can consistently ramp up to 3-4 power kobolds. Shared Triumph is another efficient buff effect and I used that with Glory of Warfare and Ajani to make the Kobolds as threatening as possible. On the utility side I use both plow and rings to deal with just about any threat. The mana intensity of the effect is less relevant when you can just dump kobolds into play at no cost. I included Mirror Entity as a quality finisher that doubled as a strong buff. This deck features 12 zero casting cost kobolds and then taskmasters and overlords to buff them. I chose that over green because it allowed for creature augmentation as well as quality removal and utility. It's also notable that despite all the creatures being red this deck only really splashes it for a few spells. Green offered buff effects like Rancor and hand reload abilities like Harmonize. I considered green as a color option for this deck. It's an interesting exercise trying to take advantage of a zero casting cost creature while desperately trying to ensure they don't remain 0/1 weaklings for any longer than a turn. Kobolds were a fun deck building challenge.

Tribal wars mtg