#4 The floor tile adjacent to toilet is floating on water.step on it and it Oozes bubbles.look out below as in time that is where the toilet and you might end up.

#3 toilet seat cover is loose and sitting thereon requires a degree of caution as it slips to one side or the other. They say hair dryers are available on Request.we requested and were told none available. I reported this to the Receptionist who came up and gave a nod and chuckle as much as to say.” Oh, another one.” I know one location where this would result in the place being closed. Unfortunately it scampered out and we assume exited our room and entered the one across the hall. I could have killed the creature given it was cornered under the sink, but attempted to catch it and release it outside. In some 40, yes Forty years of hosteling around the world this was a first. our first night in our room we were greeted in the tiny bathroom by a 4 leg creature we assume to be either a large Mouse or a Small Rat. Kitchen has a very good working space and reasonable cooking supplies.#4 Reasonable common room space and nice garden out back. the lady working the morning breakfast was very friendly and even offered us scrambled eggs one morning. The location directly across from Eltit Supermercado, and just around the corner from O’Higgins and couple of very good restaurants. What we received in service and accommodations for our 4 nights fell Very Far Short of that expectation. The $110 US$ we ended up having to pay per night for our Queen bed and private bathroom was what we would have expected to pay for accommodations similar to hotels we had stayed in during our earlier 30 day travels through Argentina and southern Chile. Our Internet Booking had our room listed as ** Superior ** Double Room, Private Bathroom. YOU can do better just as we will next visit to Pucon. Unfortunately it scampered out and we assume exited our room and entered the one.